9 Ways to Safely Leave Canned Cat Food Out

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It’s no secret that cats love canned food. In fact, many owners leave out a dish of it as a regular part of their cat’s diet. But what happens when you’re not home and your kitty is getting hungry? Can you safely leave canned cat food out without causing any health problems for her? Here are nine tips to help keep your feline friend healthy and safe.

1. Choose high-quality canned food.

2. Store it in a cool, dry place.

3. Don’t leave it out for more than two hours.

4. Cover the dish to keep pests away.

5. Wash your hands after handling the food.

6. Don’t let other pets eat from the dish.

7. Don’t put your cat’s food next to her litter box.

8. Keep an eye on the expiration date.

9. Check for signs of spoilage before feeding.

1. Choose high-quality canned food.

The first and most important step in safely leaving out canned cat food is to choose a high-quality product. Not all brands are created equal, and some use cheaper ingredients that may not be as nutritious or safe for your cat. Do your research to find a reputable brand that uses quality ingredients.

Ways to Safely Leave Canned Cat Food Out

2. Store it in a cool, dry place.

Once you’ve selected good quality canned food, make sure to store it in a cool, dry place. Heat and moisture can cause the cans to rust and the food to spoil more quickly. If possible, keep them in a pantry or cupboard away from the stove or other sources of heat.

3. Don’t leave it out for more than two hours.

Even if the canned food is of high quality and stored properly, you should never leave it out for more than two hours. After that time, bacteria can start to grow and cause food poisoning in your cat. If you know you’ll be gone for longer than two hours, it’s best to either feed your cat before you leave or have someone else come over to do it.

4. Cover the dish to keep pests away.

Another important safety step is to cover the dish of canned food when you’re not home. This will help keep pests like flies and ants away from the food. You can use a Tupperware container, plate, or even just a piece of plastic wrap to cover the dish.

Ways to Safely Leave Canned Cat Food Out

5. Wash your hands after handling the food.

It’s important to always wash your hands after handling any canned food, even if you’re just opening it for your cat. Canned food can often be contaminated with bacteria, and you don’t want to transfer that to your hands and then into your body.

6. Don’t let other pets eat from the dish.

If you have other pets in the house, make sure they don’t have access to the dish of canned food. Dogs and other animals can often be messy eaters, and they may spread bacteria around the dish. This can lead to cross-contamination and make your cat sick.

7. Don’t put your cat’s food next to her litter box.

You should also avoid placing your cat’s food dish too close to her litter box. Cats are very clean animals, and they don’t like eating near their bathroom. If the dish is too close, she may be less likely to eat it and more likely to make a mess.

Learn more: How Cats Speak Through Ear Movements

8. Keep an eye on the expiration date.

Make sure to check the expiration date on canned foods before feeding them to your cat. Once a can is opened, the food inside will start to spoil more quickly. So if the food is past its expiration date, it’s best to throw it out and get a new can.

Ways to Safely Leave Canned Cat Food Out

9. Check for signs of spoilage before feeding.

Even if the canned food is within its expiration date, it’s still important to check for signs of spoilage before feeding it to your cat. If the food smells bad or looks discolored, it’s probably spoiled and you should throw it out. It’s better to be safe than sorry!


By following these simple tips, you can safely leave canned cat food out for your feline friend. Just make sure to choose a high-quality product, store it properly, and don’t let it sit out for more than two hours. And always check for signs of spoilage before feeding it to your cat. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your cat stays healthy and happy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I leave wet food out for my cat overnight?

A: No, you should not leave wet food out for your cat overnight. Bacteria can grow quickly in wet food, and it can make your cat sick if she eats it. If you know you’ll be gone for more than two hours, it’s best to either feed your cat before you leave or have someone else come over to do it.

Q: Can I put my cat’s food in the fridge?

A: Yes, you can put your cat’s food in the fridge. Just make sure to take it out at least 30 minutes before feeding so that it has time to warm up to room temperature. Cold food can be hard for cats to digest and may make them sick.

Q: Is it OK to mix wet and dry food?

A: Yes, you can mix wet and dry food. In fact, many cat owners do this to give their cats a more balanced diet. Just make sure to follow the recommendations on the package of each food so that you don’t overfeed your cat.

Q: Can I give my cat table scraps?

A: You should not give your cat table scraps. Many human foods, such as chocolate and onions, are poisonous to cats. So it’s best to stick to cat food that is specifically made for them.

Q: How often should I feed my cat canned food?

A: You should feed your cat canned food once or twice a day. If you’re not sure how much to give, check the label on the food for recommendations. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of giving too little rather than too much.

Picture of Dr Nouman T.

Dr Nouman T.

Dr. Nouman T. is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with years of experience in pet health, behaviour and training fields. He has worked as a freelance veterinary writer and has given services at various veterinary clinics and hospitals. Dr. Nouman's work revolves around making sure that pets across the globe receive the best possible healthcare. His mission is to reduce the number of animals suffering from preventable diseases by providing proper education about pet care.

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