12 Reasons Why Do Cats Groom and Lick Themselves So Often?

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Do you often find your cat licking herself? It’s not just an idle pastime—cats groom themselves for a variety of reasons. In this post, we’ll explore 12 of them. From keeping clean to communicating with other cats, there are many compelling reasons why cats groom and lick themselves. Read on to learn more!

1. To Keep Clean

Cats are naturally fastidious animals and take pride in their appearance. By licking themselves, they keep their coats clean and remove dirt, dander, and other impurities from their fur.

2. As a Form of Stress Relief

Many cats groom themselves when they’re feeling anxious or stressed out. Whether it’s due to a recent move or the addition of a new pet to the household, grooming is a natural way for cats to deal with stress.

3. To Protect Their Skin and Fur

Cats have sensitive skin and fur, which can easily become dry and damaged. By licking themselves, they help keep their coats healthy and strong.

Why Do Cats Groom and Lick Themselves So Often?

4. To Communicate With Other Cats

Cats are highly social animals and use grooming as a way to connect with other cats. By licking each other, they send signals about their moods, health, and wellness levels.

5. As a Reflex Reaction

When cats feel threatened or scared, they may start grooming themselves as a reflex reaction. By doing this, they are trying to soothe their nerves and calm themselves down.

6. To Get Attention

Some cats may groom themselves in front of humans as a way of getting attention. Whether it’s from their owners or other people in the household, cats often make an extra effort to be noticed when they want something!

7. As a Way to Mark Their Territory

Cats like to leave their scent everywhere, including on themselves. By licking and grooming themselves regularly, they can mark their territory with their own unique odor and signal that this is “their” space.

Why Do Cats Groom and Lick Themselves So Often?

8. To Keep Cool in Hot Weather

When the weather gets hot, cats often lick themselves more frequently as a way of keeping cool. By lowering their body temperature, they are able to stay comfortable and survive in the heat.

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9. As an Instinctive Behavior

In many ways, grooming is an instinctive behavior for cats. They were born with the ability to groom themselves naturally and instinctively know how to do it effectively.

10. To Bond With Their Owners

Cats often lick their owners as a way of showing affection and bonding with them. Whether they are being petted or brushed, cats enjoy marking people with their scent and sharing special moments together.

11. For Fun!

Of course, sometimes cats lick themselves simply for fun. Whether they are feeling playful or curious about their own appearance, cats enjoy a little bit of self-grooming from time to time!

Why Do Cats Groom and Lick Themselves So Often?

12. As a Way to Clean Their Claws

Did you know that cats often lick their claws clean after they have been used? In many cases, they will do this shortly after they’ve used their claws to hunt prey or defend themselves.

  • Whatever the reasons may be, it’s clear that cat grooming is an important part of feline behavior and should always be respected and encouraged. So if your cat starts licking herself more than usual, take note—there may be a good reason behind it!


Cats are naturally fastidious animals and take pride in their appearance, so it’s no surprise that they groom themselves regularly. There are many different reasons why cats lick themselves, including keeping clean, relieving stress, protecting their skin and fur, communicating with other cats, acting as a reflex reaction, bonding with their owners, and simply for fun. Whether you’re a cat owner or not, understanding the reasons behind this natural behavior can help you better appreciate your feline friend!


Why do cats groom themselves so often?

There are many different reasons why cats lick themselves, including keeping clean, relieving stress, protecting their skin and fur, communicating with other cats, acting as a reflex reaction, bonding with their owners, and simply for fun.

Do all cats groom themselves regularly?

While all cats may engage in grooming behavior to some degree, some may be more fastidious than others depending on factors such as age, health status, and environment. Overall, it’s important to respect your cat’s natural need for grooming and provide her with the resources she needs to stay happy and healthy.

Does cat grooming serve any specific purposes or benefits?

Yes, cat grooming serves a variety of important purposes and benefits. These include keeping the cat clean, helping to relieve stress, protecting the skin and fur from environmental damage, communicating with other cats, acting as a reflex reaction in times of stress or fear, bonding with owners, and simply for fun. Understanding these reasons can help you better appreciate your feline friend!

How can I encourage my cat to groom herself more often?

There are many ways to encourage your cat to groom herself more often, including providing an enriched environment with plenty of toys and activities, creating a relaxing space where she can feel safe and secure, establishing regular routines for feeding and playtime, engaging with her emotionally and physically, and simply spending time together on a daily basis. By paying attention to your cat’s unique needs and behaviors, you can help her stay healthy and happy for years to come.

Are there any risks or downsides to excessive cat grooming?

Although it’s normal for cats to engage in some amount of grooming behavior, excessive licking can sometimes be a sign of underlying health issues or stress. If your cat starts licking herself more than usual, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian in order to rule out any potential causes and address any problems as soon as possible. Additionally, over-grooming may cause skin irritation or hair loss, so making sure that your cat has all of the resources she needs for self-grooming is essential. With proper attention and care, you can help your cat stay happy and healthy for years to come!

Picture of Dr Nouman T.

Dr Nouman T.

Dr. Nouman T. is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) with years of experience in pet health, behaviour and training fields. He has worked as a freelance veterinary writer and has given services at various veterinary clinics and hospitals. Dr. Nouman's work revolves around making sure that pets across the globe receive the best possible healthcare. His mission is to reduce the number of animals suffering from preventable diseases by providing proper education about pet care.